From the Stacks
By Carol Ann Robb, PPL Reference Librarian

When it rains, it pours—at least when it comes to library programs this next week. 

I’m excited about the special gathering at the library this Sunday. Three library employees—two former and one current—will be sharing their talents at a special Poetry Reading at 2:00 p.m. When I learned that Cody Shrum, who worked in the Youth Services department while attending PSU, had published a chapbook, “Green Acre,” I asked him to come back here to do a reading. And that was before I knew it was the top finalist in the 2024 Jonathan Holden Chapbook Contest (Cody will have copies available for purchase).

But then it hit me—we have other talented staff at the library so why not showcase three poets rather than one? So you will also be treated to original works read by Grace Hendrickson, former Adult Services employee, and Khadija Ceesay, current Patron Services staff. Don’t worry—the Chiefs won’t take the field until later that evening so you can enjoy hearing the written word before kick-off.

On Thursday, September 26, come join Chuckie Hessong for a Cup of Conversation at 10:00 a.m. If you know Chuckie, who is a food blogger among other things, you know exactly what to expect. If you don’t know her, then you are in for a treat. To be honest, I’m not quite sure what she’ll end up talking about but I know it will be entertaining and I, for one, will enjoy a fun morning.

Fresh off the plane from Ireland, Don Viney will entertain us on Sunday, September 29, at 2:00 p.m. (again, you’ll be home in time for the Chiefs game). Entitled “The Wisdom of Harmonies: an Afternoon of Song & Celebration,” Don will delight the audience with a variety of songs—some original—and I suspect he might invite us to join in on one or two. This will be something of a command performance since I asked him to do one last program during my tenure at the library (unbeknownst to him, I had this planned for well over a year and panicked a bit when I learned he had an extended visit in Ireland on his calendar; fortunately it all worked out). I want to go out with a bang and this will definitely be the way I envisioned.

I’m looking forward to all of these events and hope you will be here to enjoy them with me. See you @ the Library!