From the Stacks
By Carol Ann Robb, PPL Reference Librarian
What’s “All Together Now”—a Beatles song, an ideal to strive for, or the theme of our Summer Reading Program?
Trick question—it’s all three! And we want you to come be a part of our summer fun.
Some 20 years ago, a woman of a certain age asked me, “why isn’t there a summer reading program for adults?” I admit to being caught off guard, but said she had an excellent point so voila! We started offering summer reading programs for adults. I admit being more excited about this year’s than I have been about some in the past.
First and foremost, it’s a reading program so we have a Book Bingo Card for you to fill out—read 5 books (or 4, plus attend a library program) and you’ll get a groovy prize (we’re embracing the Beatles’ song vibe).
We also have fun programs, starting off with “Community Gardens: Growing Together,” presented by Jesse Gilmore, from K-State Research and Extension, next Tuesday, May 30 at 6:30 p.m.
On Tuesday, June 13, we’re having an Open Mic Night (for performers ages 18 and older) beginning at 6:00 p.m. Stop by the Reference Desk or call 620-230-5560 to sign up for a 5-minute spot—we want you to share your talent whether it be musical or spoken. Just keep in mind that our theme is coming together. Also, we need audience members to applaud the performers!
Then at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 9, JT Knoll will lead us in an “All Together Now Sing-Along.” Group singing is a great tool for bringing people together and is there a better way to spend a hot Sunday afternoon than belting out songs in air-conditioned comfort? Well, maybe reading— but you can check out a book afterwards to take home.
To kick things off, we’re holding our first-ever Block Party next Thursday, June 1, on our newly refurbished courtyard from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. There will be live music, special guests, art, hot dogs (while supplies last), games, and more.
You know about cakewalks but have you ever heard about a Bookwalk? Same concept but you might win a book rather than a cake (less calories!) It will be a fun time where we can get “all together now” as we welcome Summer 2023 at the library.