From the Stacks
By Carol Ann Robb, PPL Reference Librarian
I Libraries
February is “Love Your Library Month.” Personally, I think every month should have that designation but I’m biased. And since libraries are more than just bricks and mortar (or Carthage limestone), I’m giving shout outs to important assets that make libraries—ours along with others across the world—so darn loveable.
The PPL Library Board of Trustees, which is so supportive of the staff and our mission to make this an institution that enhances our community.
The Friends of the Pittsburg Public Library, who underwrite Library programming for all ages (our library is quite unique in having this wonderful resource, which I certainly do not take for granted).
Staff, from administration to front-line workers, and especially our marvelous maintenance guy, who work day in and day out to provide materials, programs, and information and strive to make this a safe (and clean!) place for all.
Special kudos to those librarians who entertain the little ones at weekly Story Time. It takes a special skill set to get a crowd of pre-schoolers to sit and listen to stories. Stop by and peek in at one of ours and watch Gail work her magic.
To all the architects, engineers, contractors, and workers who design and build our facilities—and then keep them operational—thank you!
This is somewhat controversial in this town/library but I have to commend Andrew Carnegie for his generous support of libraries in his later life. He never forgot that his education came from an employer’s library. It doesn’t absolve him from his business practices but still…Without him we, and many other towns and cities, wouldn’t have a library.
So many talented folks agree to do programs and presentations that we can offer—for free!—to the public.
Then there’s you—the patrons—who come to those programs, and check out our books, and make our jobs fun and worthwhile. Without you, there’s no library.
I contend that the public library is one of the last bastions of egalitarianism in today’s world—that wasn’t always the case in this country but it’s very true here in Pittsburg, KS.Is it any wonder that I love the library?